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How to prepare prelin coating for medical devices?

classify:Ultrasonic spray coating

How to prepare prelin coating for medical devices? -- Biomedical -- YMUS Ultrasonic spraying

The application fields of ultrasonic spraying perelin on nickel-titanium wire surface mainly focus on medical and biological aspects. Nickel-titanium wire has been applied more and more because of its good biocompatibility and strong elastic resilience. In some medical devices, in order to protect the surface of nickel-titanium wire from contamination, corrosion, wear or oxidation, it is necessary to carry out an excellent protective coating to better protect the surface and maintain efficient performance.

Preparation of Ni-Ti wire coating by ultrasonic spraying

Ultrasonic spraying perilin is a suitable method for surface protection of nickel-titanium wire. The excellent properties of Perelin, such as chemical inertness, permeability, high temperature performance and wear resistance, increase the service life of nickel-titanium wires and prevent problems during use. The advantages of ultrasonic spraying perelin on the surface of nickel-titanium wire are as follows:

1. Be protective

Perelin's special coating forms an extremely thin protective film that effectively protects the surface of nickel-titanium wire from contamination, corrosion, wear or oxidation.

2. Strong biocompatibility

Perelin is ideal for medical applications because of its excellent biocompatibility.

3. Low cost

Ultrasonic spraying technology has the advantages of low cost and environmental protection, and the cost of using ultrasonic spraying perelin is lower than other coating methods.


YMUS ultrasonic spray Perelin is a suitable method for surface protection of nickel-titanium wire, its excellent biocompatibility, wear resistance and protection make it widely used in medical and biological fields, can effectively improve the service life of nickel-titanium wire, so that its application in the medical field more extensive and in-depth.
